INKUNGA FINANCE Plc is the transformation of the Savings and Credit Cooperative, acronym COOPEC INKUNGA, a cooperative which was born from the union of two savings and credit cooperatives promoted by the non-profit association AJEMAC ” Association de Jeunesse en Matière Agricole et Culturelle”.
The COOPEC INKUNGA created on 15 September 1995, was operational in Rubengera district of Karongi, while the COOPEC IMBONEZABUKUNGU created on 28 October 1993 covered the current Sectors of Mushubati, Gihango and Musasa of the district Rutsiro.
By sponsoring them, AJEMAC accomplished one of its objectives, namely, the promotion of financial services in rural areas and the strengthening of socio-economic capacities for the well-being of the Rwandan family/Society.
On 18 August 2005, the General Assembly composed by members of these two cooperatives took the decision to merge them; on the same date the status and internal regulations were voted as well as the creation of the administrative bodies by the General Assembly.
On 24 December 2015 the General Assembly took the decision to transform COOPEC INKUNGA into a commercial microfinance company, on 8 July 2016, RDB (Rwanda Development Board) granted legal personality to the names of “INKUNGA FINANCE Plc” being a commercial microfinance company which replaces the legal personality granted by the Ministry in charge of cooperatives (MINICOM) and that of RCA.
INKUNGA FINANCE Plc obtained the National Bank of Rwanda Licence No 946 dated 13 October 2017 with its headquarters in Kibirizi Cell, Rubengera Sector, Karongi District Western Province.
In terms of geographical expansion, INKUNGA FINANCE Plc currently operates in Kigali City and Western Province. Particularly in the districts of: Nyarugenge, Rubavu, Rutsiro, Karongi, Nyamasheke , Rusizi.
For the moment, the area of operation of INKUNGA FINANCE Plc is subdivided into Seven Branches:
Rubengera Branch located at Giti kinini, Bwishyura Branch located at Kibuye town,Rutsiro Branch located at Congo-Nil,Nyamasheke Branch located at Tyazo center,Nyabugogo Branch located near Nyabugogo main slaughterhouse,Mahoko Branch located at Mahoko Center and Rusizi branch located in Kamembe town
To provide a local service to its customers, INKUNGA FINANCE Plc has opened Five outlets:
Gakeri Outlet located at Gakeri Center, Mubuga Outlet located at Mubuga Center, Kibingo Outlet located at Bugina Cell , Kibilizi Outlet located at Kimigenge Village, and Musasa Outlet located at Musasa Center.