Inkunga Finance have Fixed term Deposits Accounts and Non Fixed Terms Saving Accounts
This account is held between 3 and 12 months and pays an interest of 7% up to 10% to the account holder.
We have two categories of non Fixed Terms Saving Accounts :ITEGANYIRIZE and ZIGAMIRUMWANA.
a) ITEGANYIRIZE: is a saving account where you can deposit anytime a certain amount at the interest rate of 7.5%.
You are allowed to withdraw once in 30 days; and a penalty fees of 1000Frw is applied for someone who doesn’t respect allowed minimum duration between two withdrawals.
Account Opening Fees : 0 FRW Click here for More details
b) ZIGAMIRUMWANA : is a Children ‘s saving account where you can deposit anytime a certain amount at the interest rate of 8%.
You are allowed to withdraw once in 365 days; and a penalty fees of 3000Frw is applied for someone who doesn’t respect allowed minimum duration between two withdrawals.
Account Opening Fees : 0 FRW
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